Ferns and fern-allies (=Pteridophytes)
Ferns are flowerless plants that reproduce by spores, but unlike Mosses and Liverworts they have vascular (water conducting) tissue that allows them to colonise drier sites and to grow taller to >1 m. They are diverse in structure.
Note that ferns are classified into several families: Marseliaceae, Ophioglossaceae, Azollaceae, Woodsiaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Cystopteridaceae, Athyridaceae, Aspleniaceae, Pteridaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Osmundaceae, Blechnaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Onocleaceae, Polypodiaceae, etc.
Other Pteridophytes are Horsetails , Clubmosses and Quillworts
Plant form: Select one of these eight groups
Simple fronds
+/- Fan-shaped or forked
Lobed or 1-Pinnate leaves
2- or more Pinnate leaves
Floating, tiny
Moss-like, hanging
Resembling clover
Azolla filiculoides
Marsilea quadrifolia
See also:
Fruiting structures: select from 4 options
Reproductive structures:
(a) distinct from vegetative:
(b) Linear sporangia (or solid spore masses)
Asplenium marinum
Asplenium trichomanes
Asplenium viride
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Asplenium septentrionale
Asplenium ceterach
(c) Sporangia comma-shaped to circular
Phegopteris connectilis
Oreopteris limbosperma
Gymnocarpium robertianum
Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Anogramma leptophylla
Cystopteris fragilis
Woodsia ilvensis
Woodsia alpina
Polypodium interjectum
Polypodium vulgare
Athyrium filix-femina
Athyrium distentifolium
Dryopteris felix-mas
Dryopteris affinis
Dryopteris carthusiana
Dryopteris aemula
Dryopteris expansa
Dryopteris submontana
Dryopteris carthusiana
Dryopteris dilatata
Polystichum aculeatum
Polystichum setiferum
Pteridium aquilinum
(d) Sori under edge of pinnules
Thelypteris palustris
Pteridium aquilinum
Oreopteris limbosperma
Frond/leaf form (8 options):
Simple entire fronds
Asplenium scolopendrium
Ophioglossum vulgatum
Small ferns (<30 cm high) with fronds or leaflets +/- fan-shaped or forked
Adiantum capillis-veneris
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Cryptogramma crispa
Asplenium septentrionale
Deeply lobed or singly pinnate leaves (any pinnules +/- entire)
Asplenium ceterach
Polystichum lonchitis
Asplenium marinum
Asplenium trichomanes
Asplenium viride
Onoclea sensibilis
Blechnum cordatum
2- or more pinnate ferns by size
Delicate small pinnate ferns (<c.20 cm)
Slightly larger pinnate ferns (to c.40 cm), generally not growing in tufts
Gymnocarpium robertianum
Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Cryptogramma crispa
Adiantum capillis-veneris
Mostly tufted larger pinnate ferns (to 120cm or more)
By plant form:
Ostrich fern
Lemon scented fern
Male ferns
Shield ferns
Key to leaves of tufted larger ferns (to 120cm)
Polystichum aculeatum
Polystichum setiferum
Athyrium filix-femina
Athyrium distentifolium
Hard Shield-fern
Soft Shield-fern
Alpine Lady-fern
Dryopteris aemula
Dryopteris affinis
Dryopteris filix-mas
Dryopteris oreades
Hay-scented Fern
Scaly Male-fern
Mountain Male-fern
Dryopteris carthusiana
Dryopteris dilatata
Dryopteris expansa
Dryopteris submontana
Narrow Buckler-fern
Broad Buckler-fern
Northern Buckler-fern
Rigid Buckler-fern
Matteucia struthiopteris
Pteridium aquilinum
Oreopteris limbosperma
Thelypteris palustris
Ostrich Fern
Lemon-scented Fern
Marsh Fern
Pteridaceae/Adiantum . . . . Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum capillus-veneris . . . . Maidenhair Fern
Lvs often apparently fan-shaped or pinnate but with dichotomous branching; local, in moist sheltered spots, esp. in limestone grykes in W Br and W Ire

The similar A. raddianum has horseshoe-shaped, rather than linear, sporangia.
Compare also the pale-stemmed
Yellow Corydalis:
Pteridaceae/Anogramma . . . . Jersey Fern
Anogramma leptophylla . . . . Jersey Fern
Rare on shady banks in Jersey; young seedlings of Black spleenwort can be similar
Aspleniaceae/Asplenium . . . . Spleenworts
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum . . . . Black Spleenwort
Triangular leaves, long petiole, branches alternating & with characteristic long thin sori
To distinguish A. adiantum-nigrum (bottom) and A. obovatum (top):
Asplenium obovatum . . . . . Lanceolate Spleenwort
Similar to Black Spleenwort, but with petiole << frond, sori shorter; Common in CI & SW En (esp. coastal); more local elsewhere
Asplenium ceterach . . . . Rustyback Fern
Previously Ceterach officinarum; common on base-rich substrates and mortar in walls in Ire & S & W Br, less common in E & N
Asplenium marinum . . . . Sea Spleenwort
Rock crevices by the sea around the coast exc. SE Br
Asplenium ruta-muraria . . . . Wall-rue
Common on walls
Asplenium scolopendrium . . . . Hart's-tongue Fern
Common in woodland
Asplenium septentrionale . . . . Forked Spleenwort
A rather local evergreen fern of acidic rocks and metalliferous mine spoil, esp. in Wa, Lake District and a few places in N Br, also Galway
Asplenium trichomanes . . . . Maidenhair Spleenwort
Common on walls; black midrib (sometimes split into a number of subspp)
Asplenium viride . . . . Green Spleenwort
Rather local on damp upland rocks on base-rich soil; like A. trichomanes but with green midrib
Athyriaceae/Athyrium . . . . Lady-fern
Athyrium distentifolium . . . . Alpine Lady-fern
Sori usually without indusium; Local on acid scree and in gullies mostly above 600 m in C & N Sc
Athyrium filix-femina . . . . Lady-fern
Characteristic C- or J-shaped indusium over spores
Salviniaceae/Azolla . . . . Water Fern
Azolla filiculoides . . . . Water Fern
Naturalised and floating on water bodies around the BI
Blechnaceae/Blechnum . . . . Hard Fern
Blechnum cordatum . . . . Greater Hard Fern
An uncommon garden escape, esp in SW Br & Ire
Blechnum spicant . . . . Hard Fern
Common on heathland and mountains; has distinct fruiting frond (see centre of third pic)
Ophioglossaceae/Botrychium . . . . Moonwort
Botrychium lunaria . . . . Moonwort
Dry, mostly upland, grassland, in Br and Ire, esp. N & W Br
Botrychium nordicum . . . . Moonwort
Clearly toothed lvs; rare - a population has recently been identified at Glenshee Ski centre, but may be more widespread
Pteridaceae/Cryptogramma . . . . Parsley Fern
Cryptogramma crispa . . . . Parsley Fern
Rocky mountains on acid soils
Dryopteridaceae/Cyrtomium . . . . House Holly-fern
Cyrtomium falcatum . . . . House Holly-fern
grown in conservatories but nat. on shady walls and rocks in W Br
Cystopteridaceae/Cystopteris . . . . Bladder-ferns
Delicate ferns with generally 3-pinnate triangular leaves
Cystopteris montana . . . . Mountain Bladder-fern
Leaves triangular, with lowest pinnule largest, borne singly on long rhizomes; very local on wet rock gullies above 700 m in C Sc
Other rare subspp. include C. dickieana (basic wet rocks in E Sc)
Dryopteridaceae/Dryopteris . . . . Male and Buckler-ferns
Dryopteris affinis agg. . . . . Scaly Male-fern
Pinnules parallel-sided (c.f. D. felix-mas); note black spot on underside at junction of pinnules, flattened tip of pinnules: often split into 3 subsp. (D. affinis subsp. affinis, D. affinis subsp. cambrensis and D. affinis subsp. borreri; the latter with very truncated tips to pinnules)
Dryopteris felix-mas . . . . Male-fern
Throughout BI in woods; pinnules tapering with rounded ends
Dryopteris aemula . . . . Hay-scented Fern
Local in shady woods and ravines in Ire and W Br; frond bright green with crinkly appearance, winter green; scales long, evenly red-brown, often torn; pinnules concave on upper side, lowest pinnule larger (arrows)
Dryopteris oreades . . . . Mountain Male-fern
Usually <50cm, stiff crinkly lvs; rocky places on mountains; only top 1/2 of frond fertile with sori usu. only on the basal 1/2 of pinnules, indusia edges 'tucked under'
Dryopteris (cont) . . . . Buckler-ferns
Dryopteris carthusiana . . . . Narrow Buckler-fern
Grows from runners (not tufts); Wet woods and marshes throughout BI; stalk as long as rest of frond (which is not triangular); blunt pale brown scales
Dryopteris dilatata . . . . Broad Buckler-fern
Tufted, common in woods and shady places across the BI; 3-pinnate, dark green lvs with dark pointed stem scales with pale edges; pinnules 'droopy' (see pic. 4)
Dryopteris expansa . . . . Northern Buckler-fern
Locally common in upland scree and woodland in Sc, N Wa and N En; paler yellow than D.dilatata; triangular fronds, flat pinnules with lowest pinnule on basal side >1/2 length of its pinna
Dryopteris submontana . . . . Rigid Buckler-fern
Lvs stiff, greyish mealy with white hairs; plants like small shuttlecocks; local almost entirely on limestone in NW En
Cystopteridaceae/Gymnocarpium . . . . Oak Fern
Gymnocarpium dryopteris . . . . Oak Fern
Quite common in damp woods or shady places in N & W Br
Gymnocarpium robertianum . . . . Limestone Fern
Local on screes or rocks on limestone in En and Wa; petiole greenish/brown rather than black; glandular-hairy stems/fronds
Hymenophyllaceae/Hymenophyllum . . . . Filmy-ferns
Filmy ferns (Hymenophyllum)- in very damp shaded areas, esp. in Ire and W, only:
Hymenophyllum tunbridgense . . . . Tunbridge Filmy-fern
Veins not to edge of frond; toothed indusium see fig.1
Hymenophyllum wilsonii . . . . Wilson's Filmy-fern
Less common than H. tunbridgense; veins extend to margin; untoothed indusium
Marsileaceae/Marsilea . . . . Clover Fern
Marsilea quadrifolia . . . . Clover Fern
Grown in ferneries but not known in the wild
Onocleaceae/Matteucia . . . . Ostrich Fern
Matteucia struthiopteris . . . . Ostrich Fern
Naturalised in shady places scattered around the BI
Onocleaceae/Onoclea . . . . Sensitive Fern
Onoclea sensibilis . . . . Sensitive Fern
Naturalised in a few shady places around the BI
Ophioglossaceae/Ophioglossum . . . . Adder's-tongue Fern
Ophioglossum vulgatum . . . . Adder's-tongue Fern
Grassland, dune-slacks etc, mostly in lowlands throughout Br. Two smaller species occur rarely near the sea - O. azoricum and O. lusitanicum
Thelypteridaceae/Oreopteris . . . . Lemon-scented Fern
Oreopteris limbosperma . . . . Lemon-scented Fern
Characteristic undersurface of lvs; note also strong tapering to base of frond
Osmundaceae/Osmunda . . . . Royal Fern
Osmunda regalis . . . .Royal Fern
A tall robust, broad-lvd ferm of marshy areas with fruiting fronds distinct mostly in W Ire and W Br but as far S as CI
Thelypteridaceae/Phegopteris . . . . Beech Fern
Phegopteris connectilis . . . . Beech Fern
Shady, acid soils, fairly common in N & W Br; note lowest pinnae reflexed
Marsileaceae/Pilularia . . . . Pillwort
Pilularia globulifera . . . . Pillwort
On mud/shallow water scattered across BI but esp. in W & S Br and W Ire; distinguished from rushes etc. as has no lf sheaths
Beware - young plants of Eleocharis acicularis look similar but have faint lf sheaths & a well-developed rhizome:
Polypodiaceae/Polypodium . . . . Polypody
Polypodium vulgare . . . . Polypody
Common thoughout Br & Ire; round 'sori' (Pic.3) (Pic.3)
Polypodium interjectum . . . . Intermediate Polypody
Common in the S (e.g. the sp. in Jersey); often on calcareous substrates (e.g. mortar); N.B.angled oval 'sori' (Pic.3) (cf. pic.3 of P. vulgare)
Also P. cambricum (S polypody), which has lf blades <2x as long as wide and hairs mixed with the sporangia; less common and hard to distinguish from the above
Dryopteridaceae/Polystichum . . . . Shield-ferns
Note sharp/hairy points to pinnules:
Polystichum aculeatum . . . . Hard Shield-fern
More upland and N than P. setiferum; base of pinnules makes acute angle (Fig 3); frond narrows to base with short stipe
Polystichum lonchitis . . . . Holly Fern
Local on mountains (mostly above 600 m) in basic crevices esp. in N En and Sc and W Ire
Polystichum setiferum . . . . Soft Shield-fern
Frequent in wet woods in CI, S and W Br and Ire; ; base of pinnules makes right-angle (Fig 1)
Dennstaedtiaceae/Pteridium . . . . Bracken
Pteridium aquilinum . . . . Bracken
Shoots single - but invasive over large areas. Sori inrolled along edges of pinnules.
Thelypteridaceae/Thelypteris . . . . Marsh Fern
Thelypteris palustris . . . . Marsh Fern
Frequent only in E Anglia, scattered in BI N to C Sc; sori at edge of pinnules
Woodiaceae/Woodsia . . . . Woodsia
Tiny 2-pinnate mountain ferns with pinnae divided nearly to midrib; W. ilvensis (more) hairy and with more elongated pinnae
Woodsia alpina . . . . Alpine Woodsia
Rare mountain fern, primarily on basic rocks in C Sc; pinnae not elongated
Woodsia ilvensis . . . . Oblong Woodsia
Very local mountain fern of crevices up to about 700m; the long thin scales on the pinnae midrib are diagnostic and the more elongated pinnae
Mosses and Liverworts