Lycopodiaceae . . . . . Clubmosses
Choose from the below:
Lycopodium annotinum
Lycopodium clavatum
Lvs linear, entire
Lvs pointed with teeth
Diphasiastrum . . . . . Alpine Clubmoss
Diphasiastrum alpinum . . . . . Alpine Clubmoss
On exposed places on mountains N & W Br and Ire
Diphasiastrum x issleri (Issler's Clubmoss) with strongly flattened branches is rare
Huperzia . . . . Fir Clubmoss
Huperzia selago . . . . Fir Clubmoss
Heaths and moors on mountains
Lycopodiella. . . . . Marsh Clubmoss
Entire lvs without hairs
Lycopodiella inundata . . . . . Marsh Clubmoss
Rather local on wet heaths in S & W of Br and in Galway; lvs entire without hair tip
Lycopodium. . . . . Clubmoss
Have hair points on sterile lvs (cf. Lycopodiella)
Lycopodium annotinum . . . . . Interrupted Clubmoss
Rather local amongst Calluna in C & N Sc on mountains; clear annual spurts of growth separated by shorter lvs
Lycopodium clavatum . . . . . Stag's-horn Clubmoss
Heaths and moors on mountains, mostly in Sc
See also Selaginella: