Plantaginaceae . . . . . Plantains
Plantago . . . . . Plantains
Plantago coronopus . . . . Buckshorn Plantain
Almost entirely round the coasts; rather variable
Plantago lanceolata . . . .Plantain
Plantago major . . . . Greater Plantain
Common on cultivated land and grassland
Plants with more pointed leaves (4th pic) often idd P. major subsp. intermedia
Plantago media . . . . Hoary Plantain
Locally common on neutral grassland in En, local elsewhere
Plantago maritima . . . . Sea Plantain
A common coastal plant but also on Sc Mountains
A very different hairy form occurs on Serpentine soil on the Keen of Hamar, Shetland
Littorella . . . . Shoreweeds
Littorella uniflora . . . . . . Shoreweed
Rather local in shallow water on sand/gravel - only flowers where it dries out; note the characteristic lf cross-section with 1 flat side
See other water plants such as: