Campanulaceae . . . . . Bellflower family
Choose the most similar flower type:
Also: Venus's looking glass (Legousia) a decreasing plant of arable fields esp. on chalk in the S & E of Br
Campanula . . . . . Bellflowers
Campanula garganica, . . . . . Adriatic Bellflower
Fls lobed >1/2 way to base; smaller fls than C. poschkarskyana with fls <20 mm across usu. with white base to petals; garden escape especially from C En to S Sc (Photos P. Kirby)
Campanula glomerata, . . . . . Clustered Bellflower
Especially on chalk or seaside dunes, commonest in SC En but extending to Yorkshire and coastal dunes in E Sc
Campanula lactiflora, . . . . . . Milky Bellflower
Very local, mostly in Sc and N En, sepals toothed
Campanula latifolia, . . . . . Giant Bellflower
Reasonably frequent in damp areas in C and E En and Sc; v local in the S, W Wa and Ire; blunt angled stems with soft hairs and lvs taper to stem
Campanula persicifolia, . . . . Peach-leaved Bellflower
Scattered throughout Br, widespread around London, decreasing to the N
Campanula portenschlagiana . . . . . Adria Bellflower
Less common than above, also on walls CI, SW Br, S Ire; Funnel-shaped flowers (diameter at apex '<'tube length), lobed <1/2 way to base, and nearly hairless stems
Campanula poscharskyana . . . . . Trailing Bellflower
Fls lobed >1/2 way to base, larger (>20mm) than C. garganica; A common garden escape on walls, etc., commonest in the CI & S & C En, scattered elsewhere
Campanula rapunculoides . . . . . Creeping Bellflower
Hairy stems with narrow sepals, to 80cm; naturalised in rough ground scattered across BI, rather invasive
Campanula rotundifolia . . . . . Harebell
Common on grassland and heaths over Br (Exc. SW) and in W Ireland

Lowest leaf:
Campanula trachelium . . . . . Nettle-leaved Bellflower
Mostly in S & C Br, rather local elsewhere; basal lvs cordate, stem lvs narrow abruptly into stalks and stems harsh hairs with 4 sharp angles
A number of other spp. occur - mostly as garden escapes
Jasione . . . . . Sheepsbit
Jasione montana, . . . . .Sheepsbit
Common on cliffs in CI, Wa, SW Sc and SE Ire, rather scattered elsewhere
Similar spp. : Phyteuma orbiculare; but see also Succisa pratensis
Lobelia . . . . . Lobelia
Lobelia dortmanna, . . . . . Water Lobelia
A water plant that generally grows submerged in shallow fresh water; flat lvs with 2 tubes (pic 2); frequent in N & W Sc, NW Wa, the Lake district and W Ire
See also:
Lobelia erinus, . . . . . Garden Lobelia
Lobelia urens, . . . . . Heath Lobelia
V. Local on acid heathy grass in S En
Phyteuma, . . . . Round-headed Rampion
Phyteuma orbiculare, Round-headed Rampion
Locally common on chalk S and W of London
See also: . .Jasione montana
Pratia, . . . . . Lawn-lobelia
Pratia angulata . . . . . Lawn-lobelia
Introduced from New Zealand; hairless lvs, scattered on damp lawns
Pratia pedunculata . . . . . Blue Lawn-lobelia
Introduced from Australia; hairy lvs, scattered weed of lawns
Trachelium . . . . . Throatwort
Trachelium caeruleum . . . . . Throatwort
Rarely naturalised in S En, esp. Guernsey
Wahlenbergia, . . . . . Wahlenbergia
Wahlenbergia hederacea . . . . . Ivy-leaved bellflower or Wahlenbergia
A number of Wahlenbergia spp., esp Wahlenbergia hederacea (Ivy-leaved Bellflower) have naturalised esp in Wa and SW En