All Brassicaceae have 4 free petals, 4 free sepals, and (4-)6-stamens; identification is aided by having ripe fruits
A number of other genera, mostly casual, can occur (e.g. Alyssum, Berteroa, Bunias, Conringia, Erucastrum, Malcolmia, Microthlaspi, Neslia, Noccaea, Pachyphragma, Peltaria, Rapistrum, Turritis)
Locally frequent across BI; fruits long and erect
Alpine Rock-cress (A. alpina) is a rare plant of mountains in Skye; Bristol Rock-cress (A. scabra) is a rare plant of limestone nr. Bristol; [also Tower Cress (Pseudoturritis turrita) rare on old walls in Cambridge]
Armoracia . . . Horseradish
Armoracia rusticana . . . Horse-radish
Commonly naturalised on waste ground/grassy places in CI and En but less common in Wa, Sc and Ire
Divided leaf sports can occur:
Aubretia . . . . Aubretia
Aubretia deltoidea . . . . Aubretia
A garden-escape
Aurinia . . . Golden Alison
Aurinia saxatile . . . Golden Alison
A garden-escape - similar to another garden escape (Alyssum montanum) but has persistent basal leaves and flat hairless fruits; frequent around London and NE En, scattered elsewhere
Barbarea . . . Winter-cress
Stem leaves pinnate; fruits long & thin with obvious midrib
Scattered on waste and cultivated ground; fruits <4 cm and fls <5.6 mm
Barbarea verna . . . American Winter-cress
Similar to above, but fruits >4 cm, and petals >5.6 mm, scattered in BI, decreasing to N
Barbarea vulgaris . . . Winter-cress
Native throughout BI, exc. NW Sc, often in damp places; Stem leaves largely ovate, toothed
Small-flowered Winter-cress (B. stricta) is similar, style on fruit <2mm, sepal tips hairy, scattered esp. in C En and Wa
See also: Rorippa
Brassica . . . . . Cabbage
Brassica napus . . . Rape and Swede
Several subspp. cultivated including Oil-seed rape (ssp. oleifera) which is a common escape on roadsides, and Swede (ssp. rapifera).
Similar to B. rapa, but buds just overtopping open flowers; stem lvs clasping stem; petals >11 mm
Brassica nigra . . . Black Mustard
Tall plant, often 2m+; fruits closely pressed to stem; lower part of plant bristly not hairy, leaf stalks often purple; frequent in Br N to Yorkshire, scattered in Ire and Sc
Brassica oleracea . . . Cabbage
Scattered, mostly around the coasts on cliffs etc., and as casual on tips; rare in Ire and W Sc
Brassica rapa . . . Wild Turnip
Similar to B. napus, but buds below open fls, petals <12mm, lower lvs dark green and hairy; throughout BI as relic
Other casual spp. include:
Pale Cabbage (B. tournefortii); Ethiopian Rape (B. carinata); Chinese Mustard (B. juncea); and Long-stalked Rape(B. elongata)
Cakile . . . Sea Rocket
Cakile maritima . . . . . . Sea Rocket
Common on beaches
Camelina . . . Gold-of-pleasure
Camelina sativa . . . . . Gold-of-pleasure
Scattered mostly in arable fields from CI N to C Sc
Lesser Gold-of-pleasure (C. microcarpa) is less common, hairy and with smaller fls (petals to 4.6mm), style nearly as long as fruit
Capsella . . . . . Shepherd's-purse
Capsella bursa-pastoris . . . Shepherd's-purse
Common weed with characteristic heart-shaped fruit, note the v. different upper and lower leaves
A pink variant (C. rubella) is local around Southampton
Cardamine . . . . . Bitter-cress
Choose from the different Cardamine spp. below:
Cardamine armara . . . Large Bitter-cress
Wet places esp. in En and Sc; purple anthers
Cardamine bulbifera . . . . Coralroot
Pink or white fls, bulbils in leaf axils; rare as a native in woodland in SE En, but scattered as garden relict or escape (Pic.1 from Janet John)
Cardamine corymbosa . . . . New Zealand Bitter-cress
Scattered as garden escape throughout UK, somewhat invasive in nurseries
All lvs broad with terminal one large and round; close to, or in, streams, scattered through UK, darker than C. pratensis
See also Cuckooflower which has narrow, not broad, lflets on stem
Other less common spp. include:
Narrow-lvd Bitter-cress (C. impatiens) stem lvs clasping stem, locally frequent Welsh borders, Manchester and NW
Cochlearia . . . Scurvygrass
The various spp. are rather difficult to separate - select from 4 spp. shown, or: C. anglica - Basal leaves with tapering bases (not kidney-shaped), fruits laterally compressed C. danica - Almost all leaves with petioles; ivy-leaf shaped; flowers <5mm C. officinalis - Upper leaves clasping stem; flowers 8-15 mm C. pyrenaica - Mountain plant, upper leaves hardly clasping stem; flowers 5-8 mm
(C. micacea - Mountain plant with +/- woody base on micaceous schists; fruits pointed at ea. end; stem leaves stalked below; possibly just part of the C. pyrenaica complex)
Cochlearia danica . . . Danish Scurvygrass
By coasts; the species most commonly found along motorways
Cochlearia officinalis agg. . . . Common Scurvygrass
Common, upper lvs clasping stem Others within this agg. include:
Cochlearia micacea . . . Scottish Scurvygrass
Rare mountain plant of Scottish micaceous schists (possiblysubsp. of C. officinalis)
Cochlearia pyrenaica . . . Pyranean Scurvygrass
Mountain plant (poss. subsp. C. officinalis)
Coincya . . . Isle of Man Cabbage/Wallflower Cabbage/Lundy Cabbage
Coincya monensis . . . Isle of Man Cabbage
Three subspp. recognised; local and restricted to CI, Man and W coasts of Br
Crambe . . . Sea kale
Crambe maritima . . . . . Sea Kale
A large coarse plant, mainly around the coasts S from Glasgow to E Anglia and S Ire
Descurainia . . . Flixweed
Descurainia sophia . . . Flixweed
Roadsides and waste places, most common in E
Diplotaxis . . . Annual Wall-rocket
Leaves have strong, nasty smell
Diplotaxis erucoides . . . White Wall-rocket
An occasional casual esp. around the Wash
Diplotaxis muralis . . . Annual Wall-rocket
CI N to C Sc, scattered elsewhere
Diplotaxis tenuifolia . . . Perennial Wall-rocket
Similar distribution to D. muralis, but esp. concentrated in CI and around S Wa, London and Newcastle
Draba . . . . . Whitlowgrass
Draba aizoides . . . . . Yellow Whitlowgrass
A European alpine thatis rare on limestone on the Gower in S Wa
Draba norvegica . . . . . Rock Whitlowgrass
Very local near Scottish mountain tops; has mostly simple hairs (cf.Draba incana which has many stellate hairs)
Erophila . . . . . Whitlowgrass
Erophila verna . . . . . Whitlowgrass
As with other Brassicaceae has 4 petals, but these are deeply divided; fruits c. equally long as broad; flowers very early in year; often tiny (<2 cm tall)
The densely hairy, Hairy Whitlowgrass (E. majuscula) is v. local and scattered across esp. S BI; Glabrous Whitlowgrass (E. glabrescens) is scattered in BI with less bifid petals and petioles longer than lf blades
Scattered on walls and banks throughout most of BI
Erysimum x marahallii . . . . Siberian Wallflower
Scattered as garden escape on tips, etc., similar to wallflower but with orange flowers and fruits square in section
Eruca . . . . . Garden rocket
Eruca vesicaria . . . . . Garden Rocket
Hesperis . . . . . Dame's-violet
Hesperis matronalis . . . . . Dame's-violet
Widespread and commonly naturalised in waste places, hedgerows, etc
Hirschfeldia . . . . . Hoary Mustard
Hirschfeldia incana . . . Hoary Mustard
Fruits closely pressed to stem; one seed in beak of fruit; lower part of plant very hairy
Hornungia . . . Hutchinsia
Hornungia petraea . . . Hutchinsia
Tiny & v. early flowering (e.g. Mar), very local in dry calcareous places, CI, N & SW En, N Wa
Iberis . . . Candytuft
Iberis amara . . . Candytuft
On dry chalky soils: note the very asymmetric flowers (cf. Lobularia); the wild sp. is annual; perennials (garden plants) are probably I. sempervirens.
Isatis . . . Woad
Isatis tinctoria . . . Woad
Mostly an infrequent casual
Lepidium . . . . Pepperworts and Swinecress
Lepidium campestre . . . . . Field Pepperwort
Style not exceeding notch of fr; scattered in Br on waysides and arable fields (Photo1 A.Haden)
Lepidium coronopus . . . . . Swinecress
Common in S BI, rare to N Key difference from L. didymum is fruits with strong ridges and pits and tapered into a style
Lepidium didymum . . . . . Lesser Swinecress
Similar distribution to above, but extending further N
Key difference from L. coronopus is fruits which are rounded (not ridged) and notched above as well as below
Common and widely distributed but uncommon in E En and W Ire
A similar species - L. campestre - has style not extending from notch in fruit and usually single stems
Lepidium sativum . . . . . Garden Cress
On tips and waysides across BI
Other spp. include:
Field Pepperwort (L. campestre); Narrow-lvd Pepperwort(L. ruderale): Dittander L. latifolium); and a substantial number of wool and birdseed aliens
Long, upward curving seed pods (16-25mm) with 1-row of seeds in each valve and pedicels 14-20 mm; similar places to N. officinale, but less common in S but more common in N
Yellow (rarely white) flowers; Note deep constrictions between the usually 2 to 3 seeds in pod (cf R. sativus); common around the coasts exc. for N&E Sc and E En
petals 1.5x sepals; in damp places but rare in N Sc
N.B. several other spp. can be found and include R. amphibia (like R. sylvestris but upper leaves only toothed not lobed), R. austriaca (fruit rounded) and R. islandica (like R. palustris but petals smaller at <1.6 mm)
See also:Barbarea
Sinapis . . . . . Mustard
Sinapis alba . . . . . White Mustard
All leaves pinnately lobed; beak of fruit flat (see pic. 2), longer than seeded part; widespread but less common in NW and most of Ire
Sinapis arvensis . . . . . Charlock
Common on roadsides, and arable land; bristly lvs and fruits, with upper leaves simple; the beak (tip) of fruit is not flattened and is shorter than the seeded part of fruit
Sisymbrium . . . Rockets
Sisymbrium altissimum . . . . Tall Rocket
Casual scattered in waste places; upper lvs include some finely pinnate
Sisymbrium irio . . . . London Rocket
Fruits overtop small fls; rare casual in waste places in En
Sisymbrium officinale . . . Hedge Mustard
Fruits pressed close to stem and flowers small (c.3 mm); common in waste places and cultivated land thoughout Br exc. N Sc
Sisymbrium orientale . . . Eastern Rocket
Casual scattered in waste places; upper lvs with only small lobes
A number of other relatively uncommon spp. can be found e.g. Perennial Rocket (S. strictissimum), a perennial with lvs hairy on lower side and long fruits, London Rocket (S. irio) with narrow pedicels and fls <5mm, False London-rocket (S. loeselii) an annual with regularly lobed lower lvs and fruits >3 cm, and French Rocket (S. erysimoides)
Subularia . . . Awlwort
Subularia aquatica . . . . . Awlwort
Tiny water plant (photos from '' and 'bonnier floraelectronica');
uncommon at the edge of lakes in NW Sc, also NW of En, Wa and Ire See other water plants such as: Lobelia Isoetes Littorella Juncus
Teesdalia . . . Teesdalia
Flowers slightly asymmetric with outer petals larger