Orchids are characterised by irregular (zygomorphic) flowers, with a characteristic central column containing the female stigma and the pollen usually contained in two (often stalked) sticky masses called pollinia
Local in Woods on calcareous soils Other Helleborines include: C. damasonium (White Helleborine - similar with broader leaves) Also C. rubra (Red Helleborine - v. rare in S En)
Coeloglossum . . . . . Frog Orchid
Coeloglossum viride . . . . Frog Orchid
Native in calcareous grassland, esp. N and W. and Hampshire
Corallorhiza . . . . . Coral-root Orchid
Corallorhiza trifida . . . . Coral-root Orchid
Saprophytic without leaves; damp peaty or mossy areas in N br
Characteristic flowers - very rare on limestone but replanted on a few sites in N En (e.g. Gait Barrows) Very rare - some replanting has been done in Gait Barrows
Dactylorhiza . . . . . Spotted-orchids
Note that Dactylorhiza spp. are very variable in colour, markings and shape with many hybrids - these are just the main representative types - note especially the size/shape of the middle lobe of labellum
Select from the following:
D. fuchsii
D. incarnata
D. maculata
D. praetermissa
D. purpurella
Also many hybrids such as:
D. maculata x D. purpurella (D. x formosa)
D. fuchsii x D. purpurella (=D. x venusta)
Dactylorhiza fuchsii . . . . Common Spotted-orchid
Central lobe of labellum longer than side ones, pale pink flower with darker spots, etc.; broad splodges on lvs
Dactylorhiza incarnata . . . . Early Marsh-orchid
Lower side petals folded back; leaves are unspotted, held upright, with cupped tips; throughout BI
Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. pulchella . . . . Early Marsh-orchid
Has flat lower petal (c.f. early marsh orchid); N & W of Br and NI
Epipactis . . . . . Helleborines
Epipactis atrorubens . . . . Dark-red Helleborine
Locally frequent in scrub on limestone in N Br and Ire
Epipactis dunensis . . . . Dune Helleborine
Local, esp. N. Wa and N En; differs from E. leptochila as lower petal tip as wide as long (not longer), often recurved E. sancta (Lindisfarne Helleborine) which lacks purple tinge and only occurs on Lindisfarne is sometimes included in this sp.
Locally frequent in base-rich fens
A number of other Epipactis spp. include: E. leptochila (Narrow-lipped Helleborine), E. purpurata (Violet Helleborine) and E. phyllanthes (Green-flowered Helleborine)
Goodyera . . . . . Creeping Lady's-tresses
Goodyera repens . . . Creeping Lady's-tresses
Native in Pine or Birch woodland in Sc and N En
Gymnadenia . . . . . Fragrant orchids
The three currently recognised UK spp. (G. borealis (Heath Fragrant-orchid), G. conopsea (Chalk Fragrant-orchid) and G. densiflora (Marsh Fragrant-orchid)) merge into each other and are hard to separate, largely depending on precise measurements; can possibly be treated as subspp. of G. conopsea
Gymnadenia borealis . . . . Heath Fragrant-orchid
Bottom petal hardly lobed, lateral sepals broadly oval and pointed, mostly in Sc and N En; has the smallest fls
Gymnadenia conopsea . . . . Chalk Fragrant-orchid
The commonest and most widespread; largely intermediate in size; lateral sepals narrow and drooping
Rounded bottom petal broader than long, lateral sepals linear; scattered in Ire and Br N to Westmoreland
Hammarbya . . . . . Bog Orchids
Hammarbya paludosa . . . . Bog Orchid
Very hard to find; Rather rare except in C/W Scotland
Another small greeny-yellow orchid is Fen Orchid (Liparis loeselii: local esp. in S Wa and E Anglia)
Herminium . . . . . Musk Orchid
Herminium monorchis . . . . Musk Orchid
Very local on chalk/limestone in S En
Himantoglossum . . . . . Lizard Orchid
Himantoglossum hircinum . . . . Lizard Orchid
Very local in CI and S En
Neottia cordata . . . Lesser-twayblade
Upland woods and moors esp. in Sc often under heather or in damp places nearer the sea
Neottia ovata . . . . Twayblade
Neottia nidus-avis . . . . Bird's-nest Orchid
A saprophyte (no chlorophyll for photosynthesis) in shady woods throughout Br and Ire
Neotinea maculata . . . . Dense-flowered Orchid
Local in W Ire
Neotinea ustulata . . . . Burnt-tip Orchid
Very local on chalk grassland in SE En
Ophrys apifera . . . . Bee Orchid
Locally frequent on calcareous soils N to N En
Several variants occur, including this "Wasp Orchid"
Ophrys insectifera . . . . Fly Orchid
Local on calcareous soils N to N En
Ophrys sphegoides . . . . Early Spider-orchid
Very local on chalk in S and Jersey
See also the rare Late Spider-orchid (O. fuciflora) of chalk in Kent
Orchis anthropophora . . . . Man Orchid
Local on Chalk and limestone, esp. in SE
Orchis mascula . . . . Early-purple Orchid
Frequent throughout Br and Ire
NB flowers earlier than other orchids - usually distinguished from A. laxiflora by generally spotted leaves (and by where it grows)
Orchis pupurea . . . Lady Orchid
Local on chalk - almost entirely restricted to the N Downs in Kent; a rather tall robust orchid
Orchis simia . . . . . Monkey Orchid
Rare on Chalk in E. Kent and Oxon
Orchis x angusticruris . . . . hybrid of Monkey and Lady Orchids
Rare on Chalk, Oxon
Related is the Military Orchid (O. militaris) which is rare in C S En
The clearest difference is the parallel pollinia in P. bifolia c.f. the diverging pollinia in P.chlorantha
Up to 45 cm tall; Spur tends to be only slightly curved, slender and horizontal
Much the commoner sp. in S Br, Locally frequent in woods and meadows; Up to 60 cm; Spur strongly curved down
Note the different arrangement of the pollinia; P. chlorantha also tends to be whiter