Trifolium angustifolium . . . . Narrow-leaved clover
A sporadic casual, esp. C En
Trifolium arvense . . . . Hare's-foot Clover
Locally frequent on sandy soils but absent from N & W Ir and Sc
Trifolium bocconei . . . . Twin-headed Clover
Rare, short turf by sea, Jersey, Lizard
Trifolium fragiferum . . . . Strawberry Clover
Rather scattered but locally common N to S Sc
For furry fruits see also:

Trifolium glomeratum . . Clustered Clover
Local in CI and SE
Trifolium hybridum . . . . Alsike Clover
Widespread - often planted in meadows; Note the obtuse angle between sepals (4th Fig.)
Trifolium incarnatum . . . . Crimson Clover
Sometimes grown for fodder or in wildflower mixes
Trifolium incarnatum ssp molinerii . . . . Long-headed Clover
Very rare (Jersey, Lizard, Devon)
Trifolium medium . . . . Zig-zag Clover
Grassy places thoughout most of BI; the long narrow stipules (see RHS of pic#3) distinguishes from
T. pratense (see LHS of pic#3)
Trifolium pratense . . . . Red Clover
Common; distinguished from
T. medium by having broad triangular stipules with long point (see pic#3 of
T. medium)
Trifolium resupinatum . . . . Reversed Clover or Persian Clover
Trifolium squamosum . . . . Sea Clover
Local in short turf by the sea in S Br, CI; stipules narrow; fls 7-9 mm, upper lvs opposite
Trifolium striatum . . . . Knotted Clover
Short sandy grassland esp. near the sea from Angus S and E Ire
Trifolium strictum . . . . Upright Clover
Rare on rocky grassland, Jersey and SW Cornwall; calyx not inflated with open throat, stipules serrate with glandular tip
Comparison of
T. strictum,
T. striatum and
T. scabrum
Trifolium tomentosum . . . . Woolly Clover
Sporadic casual; smaller fls (c.3-6 mm) than
T. resupinatum, but also upside-down and v. woolly fruits
For furry fruits see also:
