Euphorbiaceae . . . . . Spurges

All species have milky sap

Choose between following:

Euphorbia . . . Spurges

Although at least 23 spp. have been reported, many are naturalised garden spp. or may have been over-sub-divided

Euphorbias - Choose between following:

See also:

Bupleurum (Hare's-ears):

Euphorbia amygdaloides . . . . . Wood Spurge

Woods and hedgerows esp. in S half of Br, but extending to N Sc

Euphorbia characias (subsp. wulfenii) . . . . . Mediterranean Spurge

A very large showy plant; naturalised on old gardens and waste ground, esp. around London and the S of Br; plants with dark glands in the flower are subsp. characias.

Euphorbia characias (subsp. characias) . . . . . Mediterranean Spurge

Euphorbia cyparissias . . . . . Cypress Spurge

Common in gardens but can naturalise; scattered in Br

Euphorbia dulcis . . . . . Sweet Spurge

Scattered in Br, commonest in Thames valley and N to C Sc

Euphorbia griffithii . . . . . Griffith's Spurge

Planted in gardens, sometimes in thow-out material

Euphorbia helioscopa . . . . . Sun Spurge

Common in lowland areas of Br and Ire; lvs with fine teeth; smooth fruits

Euphorbia hyberna . . . . . Irish Spurge

Frequent in SW Ire woods & hedgerows; rare elsewhere

Euphorbia lathyris . . . . . Caper Spurge

Common casual in shady places, En/Wa; scattered in Ire and Sc

Euphorbia maculata . . . . . Spotted Spurge

Scattered in S Br & CI; creeping

Euphorbia oblongata . . . . . Balkan Spurge

An introduction scattered, esp. in SE En, CI

Euphorbia palustris . . . . . Marsh Spurge

An uncommon escape (exc. round London) that grows in or near ponds

Euphorbia paralias . . . . . Sea Spurge

Coasts, esp. in S & W (N to Ayrshire in W)

Euphorbia peplus . . . . . Petty Spurge


Euphorbia portlandica . . . . . Portland Spurge

Rather local on coasts of CI, Ire and SW/W Br

Mercurialis . . . Mercuries

Choose from:

(note that male and female plants are very different)

Mercurialis annua . . . . . Annual Mercury

Often on wasteland not in woods, frequent in CI & SE En; lvs mostly hairless, pale green; stem usually branched

Mercurialis perennis . . . . . Dog's Mercury

A common woodland plant; lvs hairy, stems unbranched

Ricinus . . . . . Castor-oil-plant

Ricinus communis . . . . . Castor-oil-plant

A casual garden throw-out from CI N to C Sc; extremely ALLERGENIC and seeds toxic