Cistaceae . . . . . Rockroses

Choose from:

H. nummularium
H. oelandicum
H. apenninum
Tuberaria guttata

N.B. Tuberaria generally has spotted petals that drop early in the day, while H. oelandicum has S-shaped styles shorter than stamens, and small fls <15 mm; H. nummularium has larger fls (>15mm)

Helianthemum . . . . . Rockrose

Helianthemum apenninum . . . . . White Rockrose

Rare (at two sites in N. Somerset and S. Devon)

Helianthemum nummularium . . . . . Common Rockrose

Common on basic soils in Br, rare in Ire

Helianthemum oelandicum . . . . . Hoary Rockrose

Local, on limestone; sometimes divided into 3 subspp.: this subsp. pilosella v. locally common in W Ire

This subsp. subsp. incanum local in Lake district, N & S Wa has hairy lvs <10mm

Tuberaria . . . . . Spotted Rockrose

Tuberaria guttata . . . . . Spotted Rockrose

Local in dry sites near the sea esp. in SW Ire, NW Wa and CI