Berberidaceae . . . . Barberries
A number of spp. naturalised:
Berberis . . . . . Barberry
Berberis darwinii . . . . . Darwin's Barberry
Very widely planted and occasionally escapes
Berberis thunbergii . . . Thunberg's Barberry
Widely planted and scattered as an escape through Br
Berberis vulgaris . . . Barberry
Scattered in rough ground through Br (Photos from C Hutchinson)
A number of other spp. are naturalised in various places: e.g.
Berberis gagnepainii . . . Gagnepain's Barberry
Widely planted and scattered as an escape through Br
Berberis julianae . . . Julian's Barberry
Broader lvs than the above
Epimedium . . . Barrenworts
A number of spp. are widely grown and can occur as garden throwouts
Mahonia . . . Mahonia
Mahonia aquifolium . . . . Oregon Grape
Widely grown and naturalised in a few places
Mahonia x media . . . Oregon Grape
Naturalised in a few places